
90 day Chronic Pain Relief Program

Pain is an important signal from the body that something needs attention. No unusual pain should just be ignored as it is the body’s way of asking for help to resolve a problem,

The experience of pain always includes a psychological component. This means you can influence the experience of pain.

Subconscious Mind Training gives you a tool to modify the experience of pain.

Whether you are healing after an operation or injury, dealing with a chronic illness or disability, or if they just have a headache, Subconscious Mind Training Pain Relief Program brings relief without the use of drugs.

The process begins with an explanation of the states of mind that influence pain experience and introduces the concept of scaling as a tool for assessing pain and monitoring progress. Deceptively simple as it is, scaling restores a sense of control.

Successive inductions allow the client, whatever level of discomfort they are presently experiencing, to become deeply relaxed as they learn how they can change their perception of pain. The SMT will then lead them to use dissociation to remove themselves from pain and imagery to give themselves even more control over pain levels. (Pain Relief Pack recommended)

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